The washing and cleaning products we choose today have direct implications for the future. That is what led us to develop the GREEN range for you, our customers. The efficient, sustainable washing and cleaning products will guarantee long-lasting cleanliness and absolute hygiene in all your applications.
At the same time, the incorporated eco-friendly raw materials will have minimum impact on our health and the environment, both now and in future.
Sustainability Is the Name of the Game
We are eager to take on responsibility. For over a century, we have focused intensely on the question of how to best protect against health risks in all areas of life, given that hygiene is vital to a healthy life. All our efforts are geared to the United Nations "Our Common Future" concept. The aim is to meet the needs of the present generation without limiting the options of future generations. We are utterly committed to this forward-thinking idea.
For us, the term "sustainability" implies, in equal parts, social engagement, eco-compatibility and economic viability. Through GREEN, our eco-hygiene label, and the single-minded implementation of our sustainable business philosophy, we are making a valuable contribution to environmental protection.
With GREEN, we promise a verifiably sustainable choice for everyday practice and a chance of living one's commitment to the goals of sustainability.

The Charter – Our Contribution to Human and Environmental Protection.
For us, GREEN is a philosophy and a vehicle through which we can make a long-term contribution to a liveable future. All our products and processes are geared to sustainability and eco-efficiency. We view an intact environment as the key to personal well-being and are determined to ensure that the growth of our company is consistent with the needs of society and causes no harm to the environment.
Our GREEN philosophy is based on five pillars through which we actively contribute to sustainable development: natural hygiene, eco-friendly production, use of renewable raw materials, premium quality, and health-promoting cleanliness. For each of these issues, we have set concrete goals that we endeavour to meet through targeted measures.
Green Products
Please find below a small selection of the products we offer in our GREEN range.

Relaroom® wipe

Relaroom® easy

Relaroom® sanit plus
Sanitary cleaner (concentrate)

Relaroom® wc

Relaclean® grill

Relaclean® multi
Unperfumed universal cleaner for kitchens

Sustainable Products for All Applications
Ecological innovation, sustainable quality, intelligent natural hygiene solutions. These attributes are embodied in the name GREEN – a label with up to 100 natural cleaning products for all applications. All products are based on renewable raw materials, are readily biodegradable and deliver impeccable, long-lasting hygiene, even for sensitive applications. Within our comprehensive portfolio, the InnuScience™ biotechnological product group particularly impresses by its carefully selected, natural microorganisms and enzymes with unique cleaning action.
To ensure the steady expansion of what is already Switzerland's biggest array of eco-friendly cleaning products, vanBaerle is constantly working on new developments.