Apart from manufacturing cleaning agents, vanBaerle has for many years provided services aimed at promoting cleanliness and efficiency.
You too can benefit from our expertise. Why not accept our offer of professional support based on our best-practice methods?
Our services will help you save time, improve cleaning quality, streamline resources and cut costs.
Relacare® – All-Round Hygiene Service
A wealth of expertise gathered over many decades makes vanBaerle the ideal partner in all areas of sustainable hygiene management. We know exactly what needs to be done in order to protect human health and the environment. But compliance with statutory requirements is equally important. Thanks to our in-depth experience, we are fully conversant with all relevant Swiss cantonal specifications and inspection procedures.
In the kitchen and catering sectors, all site-specific risk analyses for food companies are based on the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) principle set out in the Codex Alimentarius (food code for health protection in catering). For laundry applications, we apply the RABC (Risk Analysis and Biocontamination Control) quality management system.
All-Round Protection With Threefold Hygiene Quality
Dovetailed to your needs. Our hygiene inspections.
Regular, sustainable hygiene checks are the perfect addition to your hygiene management system, bringing long-term benefits through streamlined procedures. This will yield significant savings in terms of time, money and resources.
Customer Service