
Graphic Papers

Graphic Papers represent close to fifty percent of overall Paper and Paperboard production in the world. We offer a comprehensive set of solutions that address Productivity, Quality, and Cost of this significant market segment. These solutions comprise of Mechanical, Operational, and Chemical elements, which combined, deliver value to graphic paper producers that supports their financial viability and market competitiveness.

Explore Our Interactive Paper Mill

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FillerTEK™ Technology Platform

A comprehensive approach designed to achieve higher filler loadings… 

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Achieving Strength and Productivity

Nalco Water’s METRIX™ Titan technology is a novel program that delivers enhanced productivity, dewatering and strength development … 

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Strong Performance

HYBRID™ technology enables papermakers to attain important on-machine-efficiency (OME) and sheet quality gains in formation, porosity and smoothness. Designed for… 

Customer Success Stories

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Fan of Tissues

OxiPRO™ Technology for Deposit Control Helps Tissue Manufacturer Reduce Downtime and Improve Profitability

A North American tissue manufacturer using 100 percent recycled fiber was experiencing significant downtime due to microbiological contamination of…

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Paper Plant

FirstCLEAR™ Raw Water Treatment Delivers 5% Increase in Machine Efficiency

As one of the heavy users of water, the paper industry is dependent on the proper preparation of this raw material to consistently maintain production efficiency and meet sheet quality…

Graphic Papers Solutions

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