Scale Control

Powerful Mining Anti-scale Programs to Reduce Downtime and Improve Productivity

In mining, scale formation is a constant challenge across a variety of mineral processing operations, impacting pumping efficiency, productivity, and overall cost of operations. Nalco Water offers a wide range of anti-scale programs along with monitoring, equipment, and modeling to meet your scale control needs. By partnering with you to understand the unique environment of your plant, Nalco Water will tailor your scale control program to your specific operation and water composition. Our approach can improve pumping efficiency, productivity, and overall profitability so that you can focus on running your plant. We also offer a range of specialty products designed for hard-to-treat scale formations that require a more robust scale control solution.

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Take Control with SCALE-GUARD™ Anti-scale Chemistry

Production shut-downs due to scale formation are a daily cost of business. Nalco Water offers SCALE-GUARD™ anti-scale programs to help extend production campaigns and reduce overall cleaning time. By implementing SCALE-GUARD™ technology, Nalco Water scale control can help to maximize productivity and water availability while protecting processing equipment and minimizing wear and tear. Nalco Water's scale control portfolio can help reduce the total cost of your operations and increase your overall profitability.

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Know Your Water and Protect Your Plant with Mining Optimizer Scale Modeling Software

In addition to offering high-performance chemical programs, Nalco Water tackles scale control challenges before they fully manifest with advanced water modeling.  Using a proprietary software solution called the Mining Optimizer, Nalco Water scale control probrams can help you improve reliability and reduce overall treatment costs. The Mining Optimizer approaches scale control from a whole-site water management perspective, leveraging a detailed water map that outlines water and scale formation patterns across your entire plant. The software allows us to recommend solutions beyond chemical treatment, including water blending and management, anti-scale dose point optimization, monitoring and control plans, and service and maintenance planning. Download the following brochure to learn more.

Scale Control Success Stories

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Large mounds of fertilizer pellets in a thick sack.

Nalco Water Deploys SCALE-GUARD™ Program to Help Phosphoric Acid Plant Increase Annual Production by 54%

In phosphate processing operations, calcium sulfate scale is a daily cost of doing business. The scale results in lost evaporator efficiency, lost production time due to cleanings, increased cleaning-related expenses, and cleaning-related safety challenges. Nalco Water partnered with a US-based phosphoric acid plant to help minimize scale build-up. By deploying SCALE-GUARD EP310, Nalco Water helped the plant increase annual production by 54%, as well as decrease cleaning time and intensity.  Download the case study below to learn more.

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Rushing water flowing out of a dam from a wastewater treatment facility.

Using Scale Control Modeling Software, Nalco Water Improved a Copper Mine's Profitability by $12M

At a Chilean copper mine, occasional changes to the water balance can cause heavy scale formation.  In this instance, the plant partnered with Nalco Water to leverage the Mining Optimizer modeling software to determine the root cause of the scale build-up. Nalco Water performed a detailed audit and was able to suggest an optimized scale control program that helped the mine recirculate a significant amount of process water instead of drawing from groundwater wells.  Download the case study below to learn how the Nalco Water solution helped the mine improve profitability by $12M.

Programs, Products, Equipment and Services

Explore our Scale Control Offerings